Who are we?

ataraxy Bicycle Seat Company (BSC) is an Australian startup, founded by Robin Macan, who designed, built and tested the vabsRider bicycle seat alongside D2 Design and Development and Whistle Design Group. 

Our mission

At ataraxyBSC, our mission is to revolutionise the cycling experience by providing comfort for all riders and cultivating a state of "ataraxy" (serene calmness) when riding.

Robin's story

2016As a casual bike rider who enjoys riding but not the pain of it, I questioned "why hasn’t someone invented a comfortable bicycle seat?". There has to be a better way and the conviction to make it a reality was born. The concept was brought to life with my first prototype and I quickly realised I needed help!


2019 The Inventors Association of Australia (IAA) have meetings in each state, so I decided to go and exhibit my prototype to the feasibility committee for advice. A strong thumbs up from all the committee members gave me the confidence to pursue the project.

At the same time Philippe Guichard from D2 Design and Development was speaking from an Industrial Designers perspective with a breadth of successful projects and a beautiful and sustainable design philosophy. He was someone I wanted to work with!

2020Over the next 2 years Philippe and I worked on numerous designs, prototypes, test runs and failures (we call them learning experiences).

Another real breakthrough came in the design using a virtual axis accompanying the original split seat design. Re-vamped designs, more prototyping and yet more learning experiences made the COVID-19 world bearable. We knew we were onto something big!


2021 Our area of expertise needed to be expanded. We needed practical solutions, which required different perspectives, so it was the team at Whistle Design Group that were commissioned to the project.

The design was critiqued, analysed and scoped for a range of human factors and then finally streamlined to the model we are all proud of today.

Meet the ataraxyBSC team


Robin Macan

Business Founder, Owner and Director


Philippe Guichard

Industrial Designer, D2 Design and Development


Paige Tang

Digital Marketing Specialist

"I firmly believe this great dynamic bicycle seat we have developed is a true testament to
the fantastic and talented working team behind the name."

- Robin Macan